Fulvia Tesio
Independent Director
Born in Turin on 17 December 1967, Ms Tesio graduated in economics from the University of Turin and has been a chartered accountant and auditor since 2001. From 1998 to 2008 she worked with Studio Dante & Associati in Turin. From 2008 to 2009 she worked as a tax and corporate consultant for the Fenera Holding group. Since 2009, Ms.Tesio has been a partner in WTC Corporate Advisors Dottori Commercialisti, where she provides corporate and tax consultancy; she also works as of counsel at Studio Dante & Associati in Turin. She specialises in auditing commercial entities and non-profit organisations, as well as business valuations in the context of M&A transactions, technical office consultancy and extraordinary transactions. Finally, Dr Tesio collaborates with the Luiss Enlabs incubator and Lventure S.p.A., as well as with the study groups “Fisco e Sport” and “Enti no Profit”, at the Association of Chartered Accountants of Turin.